Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Make your own pay for performance program?

This morning I conducted a webinar about pay for performance programs: plans under which providers who meet certain quality metrics get paid more.
Most of these programs focus on primary care practices. But some specialists have been able to play, too.
Read more
Some specialists get involved by picking low-hanging fruit from the ever-expanding list of PQRI metrics from Medicare. PQRI isn't perfect, but it is evolving.
Others are going direct to payers, pointing out how e-prescribing or other easily measured steps are improving performance, and asking for better pay.
We'd love to hear about your experience and concerns about pay for performance.


  1. I'll tell you how much I like PQRI when I get my 2008 payment.
    I am one who proudly chose the "easy" measures- asking about smoking, giving Pneumovax, Aspirin in CAD rather than BP control in diabetics, mammograms in females, etc since I wanted measures that do not require patient adherence to therapy as a factor.
    PQRI is not P4P- it is P4R- pay for reporting. When performance is at stake then I'll report performance and hope my patients take their medicines and get their tests so my numbers look good.

  2. These types of p4p programs are great for those who have skilled workers that can manipulate the coding system. Anybody that gives this any credibility is perpetuating this myth.
