Wednesday, November 25, 2009

On giving thanks

In the spirit of the holiday, HealthLeaders Media posted 10 Reasons Health Providers Give Thanks.

Here are a few:
- Physicians would be glad that a “significant chunk of their investment portfolio had returned and that inpatient volume has started to go back up."
- Providers would “toast in appreciation that the dreaded predictions of a much more serious season of catastrophic influenza – seasonal or H1N1 – has yet to impact their facilities.
- They would also praise the federal funding for states to implement and test tort reform pilot studies and the funding to support the adoption of health IT.

As we all watch and await health reform in Washington – and while you continue to deal with the day-to-day struggles of practicing medicine – perhaps it’s nice to take a minute to reflect. Check out this story we did a few years ago about building a sense of community and a culture of support in your practice.

And I welcome your reflections on what you are thankful for.


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